Thursday Morning
November 8th, 2012

Put up all the new stock for the shop just now. It's Heather's turn to run the shop itself, so I get to relax on the top floor until someone comes up the stairs. Pretty good thing, too- if I have to deal with that one lady from Tuesday again I might start maiming.
The observatory building my uncle left me has three floors: The shop on the ground floor, a little museum about the city and all its weird stuff on the second floor, and the observatory itself on the top floor. Each day the shop's open, we take turns so one person runs the shop while the other keeps an eye on the other two floors. People pay for a museum and observatory visit before they go up the stairs, and the person keeping those two floors gets notified whenever there are visitors. Our more casual usage of these walkie-talkies we bought way back when.
This'll probably be a pretty slow day. We usually get the most of our traffic over the weekend, after our stock days on Friday. Some locals will have caught on to our absence yesterday and decided to come by sometime today to look at the new goods, but locals and outsiders alike tend to wait until after stock day to drop on by. Mostly cause it's the weekend then.
Either way, not even on our busy days do we have any business being open after 3 and nobody's called to ask for a late pickup, so I won't be bored for too long.