Wednesday Afternoon
November 7th, 2012
The city is a rather strange locale, one I hesitate to visit. Between the unsettling patchwork of architecture throughout the city and the unnatural features present scattered both inside and out, it's a wonder anyone ventures there at all. I mean, the subway system that carries the past and future along with the present, the winding archways that can teleport you halfway across the damn city, and the trees that shift their shape to show their approval (or lack thereof) of the climber are just a few I can name!

And even with all that, the only things keeping my dear Heather from moving there are her inheritance and my promise to explore with her every week. Her father's cottage in the town is a nice place to make ours, and I got my uncle's observatory up on top of the hill nearby, so all we really need are a stable income and a way of satiating her curiosity.
Unfortunately (and fortunately), the city solves both of these problems: she gets to explore, and we turned the ground floor of the observatory into a shop because, as it turns out, weird shit sells really, really well. It's gotten to the point we get regulars in a group of doped-up lookin' college kids from an org outta town who come by to buy everything they can afford at least once a damn month.

And thus, I'm sitting on an old stump that looks half like a pile of char, acting as a guard and lookout while Heather pokes through the burgundy ferns looking for good cuttings to bring back. We're pretty far out from the city today, since we're only taking this extra run cause those aforementioned college students sold us out of absolutely everything yesterday. Where they even get that kinda money, I don't know, but I'm not exactly complaining.
So far, we've found a few cool rocks, including some hagstones for necklaces, and one good cutting to put in a pot, so I reckon we'll be out here for a couple more hours. I'll go look for something interesting and update this when we're home.