Event - Grand Welcome

Started by Wildy
Last Post by Wildy on 10/??/2023

??:???M C?T, 10/??/2023


Hello everyone! Wildy here!
This website took SO LONG to make and set up for the lore I wanted to do, and it's WAY long overdue for a grand opening. Therefore, I'm pleased to announce the Grand Welcome event!
This is the first of many events that will be hosted here, so I hope you enjoy!

Join Alya Turnwhisper on a tour of the Chaos Caldera, complete with beautiful sights, music made by the leader of the Chaos Caldera daenself, and secrets lying right before your eyes!

The link to the event can be found here.
The discussion board for this event can be found here.

Null Divs (For safety reasons)