Askbox Announcements
[Mailbox has become available.]
[Wildy Moonwish is now available for asks.]

The first of three new characters added, Wild Lightheart is the only one who can’t be asked questions. However, asking questions about her is perfectly legal…

Two out of three! This one can be asked, although don’t be surprised when your expectations are subverted… >:3

And here’s the third and final new character added for this round! All three of them can be found in the Characters page if you didn’t know already, and Noir, as well as Echo, can both be asked questions!
Technically not News
… Buut if you couldn’t tell by the very interesting Magic meter on each character’s page (shown here)…
But there! :D
There are many things you can do with M!A, such as turning the lights off, temporarily seeing the past or future of a character so you can ask them, and maybe even making unavailable characters… Available. :>
Quick Poll for those who want something special later this month.
Now if this doesn’t look like future lore idk what does /j
Just a bit more time and work will begin on the first secret :D
Just a bit more time and work will begin on the first secret :D
Okokokokokok. Lot to cover in this one.First thing, sorry for pretty much disappearing for the past…. ah shit, almost a year? Damn.
Anyway, I’ve been fucking around with the 70 million other projects racing through my mind, as well as Ye Olde Dreaded, College Work. However, I have not forgotten about this! In fact, I’ve been rotating it in my head for a while! It is just a pain in the ass to make a 10-part reply to the Wild questions in my inbox.
But that’s where we get onto the second thing. Because one of the worst possible things that could happen here did.
You know how I very obviously reuse backgrounds and certain parts of each art, yeah? That was because I had a temporary project file of hundreds of layers that I could mix and match and edit to my heart’s content.
And now my computer has broken and deleted the file and it’s literally impossible for me to get it back. I just found out today, although it could have been up to about a month ago that this happened, since my computer has been misplacing files left and right.
Which brings me to the third and final thing I want to talk about here:
I’m going to be establishing a proper hiatus from this blog until I either figure out how to fix my computer or get myself some way of coping with this new danger of losing my stuff at random.
With this in mind, I will be closing asks for this blog (not deleting any existing asks) until things are sorted out. If you want to ask things about the characters or give me any tips to help figure this out, please send them to my main blog, @wildmoonproductions and I’ll do my best to answer them there.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Mod Wildy, signing off for now